Process Census CVAP File
- path
path to csv file
- year
file year
- out_dir
directory to create files in
- moe
Boolean. Default is TRUE. Should margin of error be kept?
- csv
Boolean. Default is FALSE, which creates an rds file instead.
path <- fs::path_package('cvap', 'extdata', 'County.csv')
cvap_process_file(path, year = 2019, out_dir = tempdir())
#> # A tibble: 3 × 27
#> GEOID geoname cvap cvap_aian cvap_asian cvap_black cvap_nhpi cvap_white
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 10001 Kent County… 131145 855 2205 32175 120 86485
#> 2 10003 New Castle … 405495 1050 12565 99600 110 262355
#> 3 10005 Sussex Coun… 173640 660 1740 18960 60 143940
#> # ℹ 19 more variables: cvap_white_aian <dbl>, cvap_white_asian <dbl>,
#> # cvap_white_black <dbl>, cvap_black_aian <dbl>, cvap_two <dbl>,
#> # cvap_hisp <dbl>, cvap_moe <dbl>, cvap_moe_aian <dbl>, cvap_moe_asian <dbl>,
#> # cvap_moe_black <dbl>, cvap_moe_nhpi <dbl>, cvap_moe_white <dbl>,
#> # cvap_moe_white_aian <dbl>, cvap_moe_white_asian <dbl>,
#> # cvap_moe_white_black <dbl>, cvap_moe_black_aian <dbl>, cvap_moe_two <dbl>,
#> # cvap_moe_hisp <dbl>, state <chr>