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Uses sp::spsample() with method "clustered" to produce points, converts back to sf, and spatial joins with input shp. Each engine function takes the same arguments and produces comparable outputs. Final number of points may be approximate for this method.


engine_sp_clustered(shp, col)



input shp with sf geometry.


character column name to produce points with


tibble with sf geometries


engine_sp_clustered(suffolk[16:20, ], 'pop_nhpi')
#> Simple feature collection with 15 features and 21 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -7914015 ymin: 5207130 xmax: -7908316 ymax: 5212516
#> Projected CRS: WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator
#> First 10 features:
#>          GEOID                                NAME  pop pop_white pop_black
#> 1  25025000408 0408, Suffolk County, Massachusetts 5671      3212       467
#> 2  25025000408 0408, Suffolk County, Massachusetts 5671      3212       467
#> 3  25025000408 0408, Suffolk County, Massachusetts 5671      3212       467
#> 4  25025000408 0408, Suffolk County, Massachusetts 5671      3212       467
#> 5  25025000408 0408, Suffolk County, Massachusetts 5671      3212       467
#> 6  25025000408 0408, Suffolk County, Massachusetts 5671      3212       467
#> 7  25025000408 0408, Suffolk County, Massachusetts 5671      3212       467
#> 8  25025000408 0408, Suffolk County, Massachusetts 5671      3212       467
#> 9  25025000408 0408, Suffolk County, Massachusetts 5671      3212       467
#> 10 25025000408 0408, Suffolk County, Massachusetts 5671      3212       467
#>    pop_hisp pop_aian pop_asian pop_nhpi pop_other pop_two  vap vap_white
#> 1       572        1      1131       17        29     242 5527      3177
#> 2       572        1      1131       17        29     242 5527      3177
#> 3       572        1      1131       17        29     242 5527      3177
#> 4       572        1      1131       17        29     242 5527      3177
#> 5       572        1      1131       17        29     242 5527      3177
#> 6       572        1      1131       17        29     242 5527      3177
#> 7       572        1      1131       17        29     242 5527      3177
#> 8       572        1      1131       17        29     242 5527      3177
#> 9       572        1      1131       17        29     242 5527      3177
#> 10      572        1      1131       17        29     242 5527      3177
#>    vap_black vap_hisp vap_aian vap_asian vap_nhpi vap_other vap_two dots_type
#> 1        439      531        1      1102       17        28     232  pop_nhpi
#> 2        439      531        1      1102       17        28     232  pop_nhpi
#> 3        439      531        1      1102       17        28     232  pop_nhpi
#> 4        439      531        1      1102       17        28     232  pop_nhpi
#> 5        439      531        1      1102       17        28     232  pop_nhpi
#> 6        439      531        1      1102       17        28     232  pop_nhpi
#> 7        439      531        1      1102       17        28     232  pop_nhpi
#> 8        439      531        1      1102       17        28     232  pop_nhpi
#> 9        439      531        1      1102       17        28     232  pop_nhpi
#> 10       439      531        1      1102       17        28     232  pop_nhpi
#>                    geometry
#> 1  POINT (-7913687 5211506)
#> 2  POINT (-7913692 5211467)
#> 3  POINT (-7913735 5211498)
#> 4  POINT (-7913715 5211454)
#> 5  POINT (-7913677 5211520)
#> 6  POINT (-7913755 5211442)
#> 7  POINT (-7913734 5211529)
#> 8  POINT (-7913735 5211451)
#> 9  POINT (-7913742 5211484)
#> 10 POINT (-7913716 5211504)