District lines are often provided at the census block level, but analyses often occur at the voting district level. This provides a simple way to estimate the block level to the voting district level.
baf_to_vtd(baf, plan_name, GEOID = "GEOID", year = 2020)
a tibble representing a block assignment file.
character. Name of column in baf
which corresponds to the districts.
character. Name of column which corresponds to each block's GEOID,
sometimes called "BLOCKID". Default is 'GEOID'
the decade to request, either 2010
or 2020
. Default is 2020
a tibble with a vtd-level assignment file
If a voting district is split between blocks, this currently uses the most common district.
# Not guaranteed to reach download from redistrict2020.org
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# download and read baf ----
url <- paste0('https://github.com/PlanScore/Redistrict2020/',
tf <- tempfile('.zip')
utils::download.file(url, tf)
utils::unzip(tf, exdir = dirname(tf))
baf <- readr::read_csv(
file = paste0(dirname(tf), '/DE_SLDU_bef.csv'),
col_types = 'ci'
names(baf) <- c('GEOID', 'ssd_20')
# convert to vtd level ----
baf_to_vtd(baf = baf, plan_name = 'ssd_20', 'GEOID')
} # }