Create Tract Level Data
geometry = TRUE,
year = 2019,
mem = FALSE,
epsg = 3857
Required. Two letter state postal code.
Optional. Name of county. If not provided, returns tracts for the entire state.
Defaults to TRUE. Whether to return the geography or not.
year, must be >= 2009 and <= 2019.
Default is FALSE. Set TRUE to use memoized backend.
numeric EPSG code to planarize to. Default is 3857.
dataframe with data for each tract in the selected region. Data includes 3 sets of columns for each race or ethnicity category: population (pop), voting age population (vap), and citizen voting age population (cvap)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Relies on Census Bureau API
tract <- create_tract_table('NY', 'Rockland', year = 2018)
} # }