Trim Away Small Pieces
geo_trim(from, to, thresh = 0.01, bool = FALSE, epsg = 3857)
Required. sf dataframe. the geography to subset
Required. sf dataframe. the geography that from must intersect
Percent as decimal of an area to trim away. Default is .01, which is 1%.
Optional, defaults to FALSE. Should this just return a logical vector?
numeric EPSG code to planarize to. Default is 3857.
sf data frame or logical vector if bool=TRUE
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Needs Census Bureau API
block <- create_block_table('NY', 'Rockland')
geo_trim(block, towns, thresh = 0.05)
} # }
sub <- geo_filter(rockland, towns)
rem <- geo_trim(sub, towns, thresh = 0.05)