For precincts which have no adjacent precincts, this suggests the nearest precinct
as a friend to add. This is useful for when a small number of precincts are disconnected
from the remainder of the geography, such as an island.
suggest_neighbors(shp, adj, idx, neighbors = 1)
- shp
an sf shapefile
- adj
an adjacency list
- idx
Optional. Which indices to suggest neighbors for. If blank, suggests for those
with no neighbors.
- neighbors
number of neighbors to suggest
tibble with two columns of suggested rows of shp to connect in adj
va18sub <- va18sub |> filter(!VTDST %in% c('000516', '000510', '000505', '000518'))
adj <- adjacency(va18sub)
suggests <- suggest_neighbors(va18sub, adj)
adj <- adj |> add_edge(v1 = suggests$x, v2 = suggests$y)