provides an R interface to the Clash Royale API.
You can install the development version of royale
from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Current endpoints are included for cards, rankings, tournaments, players, and clans.
To get a player’s data, we can use:
#> # A tibble: 1 × 56
#> tag name exp_level trophies best_trophies wins losses battle_count
#> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 #JYJQC88 christoph… 57 9000 9000 7669 5617 22211
#> # ℹ 48 more variables: three_crown_wins <int>, challenge_cards_won <int>,
#> # challenge_max_wins <int>, tournament_cards_won <int>,
#> # tournament_battle_count <int>, role <chr>, donations <int>,
#> # donations_received <int>, total_donations <int>, war_day_wins <int>,
#> # clan_cards_collected <int>, clan_tag <chr>, clan_name <chr>,
#> # clan_badge_id <int>, arena_id <int>, arena_name <chr>,
#> # league_statistics_current_season_trophies <int>, …
To get a clan, we can use:
clan <- cr_get_clan('99R2PQVR')
#> # A tibble: 26 × 29
#> tag name type description badge_id clan_score clan_war_trophies
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 #99R2PQVR LeGeND Dyn… open "LeGeND Fa… 16000169 64003 2880
#> 2 #99R2PQVR LeGeND Dyn… open "LeGeND Fa… 16000169 64003 2880
#> 3 #99R2PQVR LeGeND Dyn… open "LeGeND Fa… 16000169 64003 2880
#> 4 #99R2PQVR LeGeND Dyn… open "LeGeND Fa… 16000169 64003 2880
#> 5 #99R2PQVR LeGeND Dyn… open "LeGeND Fa… 16000169 64003 2880
#> 6 #99R2PQVR LeGeND Dyn… open "LeGeND Fa… 16000169 64003 2880
#> 7 #99R2PQVR LeGeND Dyn… open "LeGeND Fa… 16000169 64003 2880
#> 8 #99R2PQVR LeGeND Dyn… open "LeGeND Fa… 16000169 64003 2880
#> 9 #99R2PQVR LeGeND Dyn… open "LeGeND Fa… 16000169 64003 2880
#> 10 #99R2PQVR LeGeND Dyn… open "LeGeND Fa… 16000169 64003 2880
#> # ℹ 16 more rows
#> # ℹ 22 more variables: location_id <int>, location_name <chr>,
#> # location_is_country <lgl>, required_trophies <int>,
#> # donations_per_week <int>, clan_chest_status <chr>, clan_chest_level <int>,
#> # clan_chest_max_level <int>, members <int>, player_tag <chr>,
#> # player_name <chr>, player_role <chr>, player_last_seen <chr>,
#> # player_exp_level <int>, player_trophies <int>, player_arena_id <int>, …
Clans are put into long form, so each player in a clan is an observation:
clan |>
dplyr::relocate(dplyr::starts_with('player'), .before = dplyr::everything())
#> # A tibble: 26 × 29
#> player_tag player_name player_role player_last_seen player_exp_level
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 #89U82VQ0R Frahba elder 20240101T153108.000Z 59
#> 2 #JYJQC88 christopher26 coLeader 20240101T152702.000Z 57
#> 3 #2908VQ08 Ribal elder 20240101T120302.000Z 56
#> 4 #GUG0R829 Barlow716 coLeader 20240101T024559.000Z 58
#> 5 #8JGJGR982 Pazzo elder 20240101T143644.000Z 56
#> 6 #2JCJ9J02 Hlavacekjr coLeader 20240101T143600.000Z 57
#> 7 #802YJU8CU Ptlnd elder 20240101T072616.000Z 55
#> 8 #GCP0CY80 Dragon Sound elder 20240101T010408.000Z 56
#> 9 #2GRYJ2QV sontinice elder 20240101T141434.000Z 52
#> 10 #P8CRCUP0 christopher26 elder 20240101T024123.000Z 43
#> # ℹ 16 more rows
#> # ℹ 24 more variables: player_trophies <int>, player_arena_id <int>,
#> # player_arena_name <chr>, player_clan_rank <int>,
#> # player_previous_clan_rank <int>, player_donations <int>,
#> # player_donations_received <int>, player_clan_chest_points <int>, tag <chr>,
#> # name <chr>, type <chr>, description <chr>, badge_id <int>,
#> # clan_score <int>, clan_war_trophies <int>, location_id <int>, …