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congress 0.0.4

  • When clean = TRUE, the json version will be downloaded and used to clean the object (#17).
  • cong_reports() did not fully rectangularize the data. This has been fixed (#18).

congress 0.0.3

CRAN release: 2024-01-09

New features

  • When clean = TRUE, a new attribute is added (response_info) which provides pagination and request information.
  • When clean = TRUE, date and datetime columns are now converted automatically to the correct types.
  • Adds cong_request_next() function which requests the next set of results. This can be piped from the last response, such as cong_bill() |> cong_request_next() to row bind the results.

Upstream API Updates

  • Addresses changes in December 2023 API changes (#16)
    • cong_amendment() can take item = 'text' for congress <= 117 and warns otherwise.
  • Addresses changes in October 2023 API changes (#15)
    • No changes necessary within congress package. All changes upstream automatically handled.
  • Addresses changes in October 2023 API changes (#14)
    • No changes necessary within congress package. All changes upstream automatically handled.
  • Addresses changes in September 2023 API changes (#13)
    • All inputs are internally coerced to lowercase before being passed to the API. This excludes cong_treaty() which has case-sensitive suffixes.
  • Addresses changes in August 2023 API changes (#12)
  • Addresses changes in July 2023 API changes (#11)
  • Addresses changes in June 2023 API changes (#10)
    • No changes necessary within congress package. All changes upstream automatically handled.
  • Addresses changes in May 2023 API changes (#9)
  • Addresses changes in March 2023 API changes (#7)

Bug fixes

  • Resolves a bug in cong_senate_communication() where providing number would return an empty tibble.
  • Resolves a bug in cong_member() where rows would be duplicated if bioguide was provided.
  • Resolves a bug in cong_amendment() where rows would be duplicated if item was provided.
  • Resolves a bug in cong_bill() where some rows were (sometimes) duplicated if item was provided.

Deprecated functions

congress 0.0.2

congress 0.0.1

CRAN release: 2022-10-12

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.
  • Initial release, with functional API for beta version endpoints.