Assuming citizenship homogeneity within block group race/ethnicity, estimates down from block groups to the block level, proportionally by group if possible, otherwise by total population.
- cvap
cvap data at the block group level, using default settings of
- block
block data data for the Census before (or the same as) the year of the cvap data
- wts
(default) or'vap'
for the group to distribute by.- include_implied
logical if a column for the implied total (
) should be included. Default isTRUE
if (FALSE) {
# Requires API set up with tidycensus
state <- 'DE'
cvap <- cvap_get(state, year = 2019)
de_block <- censable::build_dec(geography = 'block',
state = state, year = 2010, geometry = FALSE)
# Alternatively, using example data
state <- 'DE'
cvap <- cvap_get(state, year = 2019)
cvap_block <- cvap_distribute(cvap, de_block)